.. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html =================== Keyborard Shortcuts =================== For :class:`~mpl4qt.widgets.MatplotlibCurveWidget`, the supported keyboard shotcuts are: +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | Prssed Key | Function | +===========================+=========================+ | :raw-html:`a` | Turn on/off auto scale | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`g` | Turn on/off grid | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`l` | Turn on/off legend | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`m` | Turn on/off minor ticks | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`r` | Force refresh | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`s` | Change y-axis scale | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`t` | Tight layout on/off | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`?` | Show this message box | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ | :raw-html:`Esc`| Exit this message box | +---------------------------+-------------------------+ When running applications based on ``mpl4qt``, press the above keys will instantly apply actions on the figure, press :raw-html:`?` will pop up a dialog listing the short help message, just as the following image shows: .. image:: ../images/kbdhelp_dialog.png :align: center :width: 600px