

Accelerator facility, defined by a string name, should have configuration files (usually hosted in a folder with machine name as folder name) to describe how the machine is structured, including EPICS control related data source, lattice generation rules, etc.


Part of machine, a collection of sequential devices, could be represented as lattice file if written into file for simulations.


Lattice file for simulation, e.g. FLAME lattice ,IMPACT lattice.


Geometry-related description of the machine/segment devices arrangement.


Device configurations, e.g. power supply setting value.

high-level lattice

Instantiated from phantasy.lattice.Lattice, which will created a Lattice object to represent the real accelerator based on the machine configurations. Concreted devices will be established as high-level elements that allow users to manipulate interactively. High-level lattice is managed by phantasy.MachinePortal instance, model-based machine tunning and online tunning approaches are supported for specific high-level lattice.

viewer element

Element type or family is one of the following: BPM, PM, etc., which could only be used as readonly devices for diagnostics.