Modeling Accelerator with Lattice File

FLAME [1] is a new envelope tracking code developed by FRIB for the purpose of modeling (ion) accelerator efficiently, especially cases of multi-charge states could be right handled, now it is still under development.

FLAME itself has Python interface with the package name of flame. Another Python package so-called flame_utils [2], which used to be one of the modules of phantasy is under developing, not only to make the flame Python interface more friendly and clear, but also to better support the entire high-level physics applications, which is a part of high-level control system.

Getting started

Here is the simplest way to model an accelerator from FLAME lattice file.

 1from flame import Machine
 2import flame_utils
 4# create FLAME machine
 5latfile = ""
 6m = Machine(open(latfile, 'rb'))
 8# create BeamState object
 9bs = flame_utils.BeamState(machine=m)
11# create ModelFlame object
12fm = flame_utils.ModelFlame()
13# setup machine and state
14fm.bmstate, fm.machine = bs, m
16# setup observers and run flame model
17obs = fm.get_index_by_type(type='bpm')['bpm']
18r,s =
20# get data of intereset from running results
21data = fm.collect_data(r, pos=True, x0_env=True, ref_IonEk=True)

The lattice file used here could be downloaded from here.

The 9th line is to create a general FLAME beam state object, which is a super class of FLAME interal state, one can use this object as the same API as the FLAME interal state (except show() method).

The 12th line is to create a ModelFlame object (see ModelFlame), after that, machine and bmstate should be assigned to make it alive. The machine attribute is just the FLAME machine object, bmstate could accept both FLAME interal state or BeamState (see BeamState), for the possible user-customized states, the BeamState is recommanded to include all the operations upon the machine states object.

The advantage of re-invent the new BeamState is to improve the user experience in the Python CLI environment that support auto-completion, e.g. ipython, then all properties that BeamState has could be reached by double hitting <TAB>; moreover, additional attributes could be defined in BeamState to make the higher level interface more clear and clean, see details at API References and General FLAME beam state.

The run() method of ModelFlame is used to simulate the model, and collect_data() could be used to extract the data-of-interest from the simulation results, then other operations could be done, e.g. data plotting.


Method run() does not change BeamState inplace, instead one can get the updated BeamState from the second element of the returned tuple, see 18th line.

General FLAME beam state

FLAME beam state is the most essential object in modeling an accelerator. The Python interface of FLAME represents the state as _internal.State, could be created by allocState() method, however, there are only two methods (clone() and show()) that are exposed explicitly, one of the reasons is that _internal.State is designed for not only MomentMatrix simulation type.

In order to make it more user-friendly, BeamState class is created specifically for the case of MomentMatrix simulation type, and exposing as many attributes as possible, since Explicit is better than implicit [3].

For a typical BeamState object, the following attributes could be reached at the moment:

  • pos,

  • ref_beta, ref_bg, ref_gamma, ref_IonEk, ref_IonEs, ref_IonQ, ref_IonW, ref_IonZ, ref_phis, ref_SampleIonK,

  • beta, bg, gamma, IonEk, IonEs, IonQ, IonW, IonZ, phis, SampleIonK,

  • moment0, moment0_rms, moment0_env, moment1

  • x0, xp0, y0, yp0, phi0, dEk0

  • x0_env, xp0_env, y0_env, yp0_env, phi0_env, dEk0_env

  • x0_rms, xp0_rms, y0_rms, yp0_rms, phi0_rms, dEk0_rms


More attributes, that could be calculated from _internal.State could be added to BeamState class.

Create BeamState object

Basically, there are several ways to initialize the BeamState, slight differences should be aware of.


BeamState needs FLAME machine information (got from machine or latfile keyword parameter) to do further initialization, especially, for the case of the beam state is composed of pure zeros.

Approach 1: Initialize with pre-defined flame._internal.State object

Fist create machine and state object by FLAME Python package:

>>> import flame_utils
>>> from flame import Machine
>>> latfile = ''
>>> m = Machine(open(latfile, 'rb'))
>>> s = m.allocState({})
>>> m.propagate(s, 0, 1)

Then, BeamState can be created by:

>>> bs = flame_utils.BeamState(s)


>>> bs = flame_utils.BeamState()
>>> bs.state = s

Now, one can use bs object just the same way as _internal.State, e.g. bs can be passed as the first argument of m machine object’s propagate() method; bs also can duplicated by clone() method; and even the represetation of bs itself is much similar as s,i.e. print(bs) would gives BeamState: moment0 mean=[7](-0.0007886,1.08371e-05,0.0133734,6.67853e-06,-0.000184773,0.000309995,1)

Approach 2: Initialize with pre-defined FLAME machine object

This approach will initialize a BeamState object with the initial attributes’ values from the pre-defined FLAME machine object, e.g.:

>>> bs = flame_utils.BeamState(machine=m)
>>> print(bs)
BeamState: moment0 mean=[7](-0.0007886,1.08371e-05,0.0133734,6.67853e-06,-0.000184773,0.000309995,1)

Also can do this by assigning latfile keyword parameter:

>>> bs = flame_utils.BeamState(latfile=latfile)

Approach 3: Initialize with another BeamState object

For example:

>>> bs1 = flame_utils.BeamState(latfile=latfile)
>>> bs2 = flame_utils.BeamState(bmstate=bs1)


clone() could be used to create a copy, e.g. bs2 = bs1.clone().

Configure BeamState object

To confiugre BeamState is to set new values to attributes, which could be done through properties setter methods, e.g. the initial kinetic energy of reference charge state can be adjusted by:

>>> bs.ref_IonEk = 100000

The same rule applies to the scalar properties, however different rule should be applied when updating array properties, e.g. moment0, whose value is a numpy array, if even only one element of that array needs to be changed, one should create a new array and assign to moment0, rather than updating inplace, here is the example:

>>> # before adjustment
>>> print(bs.moment0)
array([[ -7.88600000e-04],
       [  1.08371000e-05],
       [  1.33734000e-02],
       [  6.67853000e-06],
       [ -1.84773000e-04],
       [  3.09995000e-04],
       [  1.00000000e+00]])
>>> # right way to change the first element of moment0
>>> m0_val = bs.moment0
>>> m0_val[0] = 0
>>> bs.moment0 = b0_val
>>> print(bs.moment0)
array([[  0.00000000e+00],
       [  1.08371000e-05],
       [  1.33734000e-02],
       [  6.67853000e-06],
       [ -1.84773000e-04],
       [  3.09995000e-04],
       [  1.00000000e+00]])

Use BeamState object

Different BeamState represent different initial conditions for modeling processes, here are the possible cases:

Scan initial kinetic energy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from flame import Machine
import flame_utils

latfile = ""
m = Machine(open(latfile, 'rb'))

ek_out = []
ek0_arr = np.linspace(1, 1000, 20)
for ek0 in ek0_arr:
    bs = flame_utils.BeamState(machine=m)
    bs.ref_IonEk = ek0 * 1000

    fm = flame_utils.ModelFlame()
    fm.bmstate, fm.machine = bs, m

    obs = fm.get_index_by_type(type='bpm')['bpm']
    r,s =


Final reference ion kinetic energy v.s. initial input values could be shown as the following figure:



To disable logging messages from flame_utils:

from flame_utils import disable_warnings

To disable logging messages from flame:

import logging
logging.getLogger('flame.machine').disabled = True
